Thursday 9 August 2012

What Are Olympics?

By Richard Parker

Am now in receipt of SCARE ME edit notes from Exhibit A and I'm relieved they don't do what the title says.

When I edit I always try to be as objective about my own work as possible and the best way I've found to achieve this is to pretend it's somebody else's.  It's been a while since I read the whole manuscript so this will certainly help the approach.

A bit of time away from your project does help you to see areas that can be enhanced.  There's always room for improvement and adding those finer details is like adding a final dash of spice to a dish.

Whether or not readers will happily digest what I've prepared for them is an entirely different matter but now the book title and publishing date have been added to the new Exhibit A website it all seems so much more official and I realise the day of publication is drawing nearer.

Advance review copies should be doing the rounds by the end of the year and it will be in the hands of  paperback and Kindle readers by April.

So I really should get on with these final polishes.  27th of August is my deadline.  Olympics?  Barbecues?  Cold beers?  What do I need those for when I have bloody murder and mayhem for company?

Visit Richard HERE
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  1. I've just finished the edits for the fifth Geraldine Steel book which will probably be on kindle this year (print copy spring 2013) and it still doesn't have a title!!! You are so efficient, Richard.

  2. Josh Cullen is coming. He’s a big man; trading in payback. His methods don’t include handshakes. The wise bully steps aside, or moves on.
