By Richard Jay Parker
I haven't been to Sheperds Bush for a couple of years so was staggered to find the new Westfield Centre there - less a shopping centre more an escalator village of restaurants and department stores. Just on the edge of it is the very modern Westfield Library where The Curzon Group assembled on Wednesday and were made very welcome.
It was a genuinely balmy evening which understandably presented alternative possibilities to sitting indoors but our audience looked genuinely attentive despite the heat. Leigh Russell chaired and Matt Lynn, Tom Cain and I contributed to a lively discussion.
After reading excerpts from our books we then discussed myriad writing topics including writing a series, character development, putting characters under pressure, violence in thrillers and our individual approaches to planning and writing generally.
We then took questions about writing international thrillers, police characters and the origin of The Curzon Group name.
We could have rattled on all evening and our hour and a half was quickly up. We signed books and then retreated to the one place the temperature demanded. I don't think I need to spell it out.
Happy weekend.
Cheers, Richard. My round?