Thursday 30 June 2011

Good and Evil and other topics

Three years ago I was  offered a three book deal. As the third in my Geraldine Steel series hit the shelves earlier this month, I've been offered a second three book deal, so life is busy. I know some authors prefer to be signed for their books one at a time, but personally I like multiple book deals. That way I know where I am for the next few books and can concentrate on writing without stressing over when my WIP is going to be published or even, in these difficult times, if it will be published at all. I tend to be a bit of a worrier - a character flaw that helps with devising murder plots! - so the security of a three book deal really suits me. As for thinking up ideas, that's been no problem so far. As long as readers continue to want more Geraldine Steel novels, I'll keep writing them!
There's been some interesting debate recently about the nature of evil so I thought I'd pen a few thoughts about Good and Evil in Crime Fiction and wrote an unusually serious post for me. Here's the link if you'd like to read the article:
I've also been filmed talking online about good and evil, the appeal of crime fiction, what makes a successful book, and other related topics on my brand new youtube author channel. Two videos are already posted and another 16 have been filmed and will be added soon. Check out this link if you'd like to hear my thoughts on various topics:

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