Over the past couple of years I’ve blogged and talked a lot about my passionate support for bookshops and libraries, the ‘real world’ print book outlets. It’s well known that I spend many hours in bookshops and libraries, encouraging other authors to do the same. I’ve also blogged and talked about my concerns that online suppliers are ushering in the demise of the high street bookshop. In the short time since I started writing Borders vanished in the UK, and now Waterstones are closing stores. As if that wasn’t enough, I’ve also expressed my reservations about the wisdom of giving away books for free, not only depriving the publishing industry of potential revenue, but implying that books have no value.
Yet I can’t ignore an email from my publisher urging me to blog about an Amazon promotion of Road Closed…on kindle…for £1.20… or suppress a frisson of pleasure at seeing Road Closed in the Top 100 on amazon kindle. http://tinyurl.com/RoadClosedKindle
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