Friday 17 December 2010


By Richard Jay Parker

As we head into New Year there's only thing that's certain - uncertainty.

If you're a writer or reader who likes to keep abreast of what's going on in the industry you'll see there's a lot of it about - ebooks, rights negotiation for territories no one's familiar with, bookshop and library closures, piracy, the recession etc etc

It's the equivalent to turning on the TV news. It's all bad. At least, it seems that way.

All we seem to hear now is that nothing can be depended on and that there's no money. Scarcely a new concept for writers - uncertainty and penury. Most of us have served our indentures on those fronts.

It's easy to be sucked into the black hole of despair but then cynicism is always the easiest recourse.

Speaking to an insider this year he told me that last year's Frankfurt Fair was full of doom and gloom but this year everyone knew what the situation was and were just getting on with it - like we all have to.

There are good writers out there and good publishers and agents who are still trying to operate.

As we head into 2011 it's worth remembering that and trying not to focus too much on the forecasts. After all, what can writers do about it? Lose sleep over your characters - you at least have control over what happens to them. And people want to be entertained by good stories, whatever the format.

It's been the end of western civilisation as we know it ever since I can remember. Why should 2011 be any different?

Thanks to everyone for dropping in to the blog and leaving comments. It's been great to have your support. Hope you enjoy a restful Christmas and a very healthy, creative and positive New Year.


For more and competition results for Christmas Serial Killer competition to win copies of STOP ME visit


  1. Thanks for sharing, Richard. Good luck and continued success to you, Sir.

  2. Doom & Gloom? As a writer who has been around for a good many years and suffered rejection after rejection, I could claim a first place in D&G, but no, at least I am a published writer with seven novels to my credit; a position many wannabe writers would love to be in. I have now joined a small group of writers in a POD venture. I know there are a lot of hurdles to overcome, not the least the fact that the major operators in the industry show scant regard for the 'bottom feeders' in our world. But hey, there are a lot of very capable writers down here who look forward to 2011 with optimism. So, bring it on and let's see what develops. Find out more about me and my colleagues at Go on, have a look (you know you want to).

  3. Thanks for your comment, James. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a productive New Year.

    Thanks, Mick. Good to hear from such a pro active writer. All the best for 2011.
